After a long, hard day, who doesn’t want to kick back with a glass of wine? It’s good and relaxing.The French and Italians seem to drink to their health. So you want to believe that a daily sip is a safe way to unwind. Well,yes … and no.
In the latest studies, doctors have found that a few glasses of wine a week can protect women against high blood pressure, and men and women over 55 from blocked leg arteries.But,consuming one or two drinks about four days per week seemed to protect against cardiovascular disease, but drinking every day eliminated those benefits.So,only a moderate amount of wine is good for mind and body.
In the end,what is the truth about wine and your health - is it poison or medicine?
In Food: a glass or two of red and white wine with a meal kills the bacteria responsible for almost all illnesses caused by food.
Brain: wine improves brain function in older women. French researchers found that women over 50 who drank two or more glasses of wine daily were 2.5 times more likely to score in the top 10 per cent in tests.
Arteries: those who drink one or two glasses of wine a day have a reduced risk of developing blocked arteries in the legs.Wine improves circulation, dilates blood vessels and raises good cholesterol.
Infections: red wine, unlike some other forms of alcohol, does not suppress the immune system. Cells fighting off infections are unaffected by moderate amounts.
Dementia: a glass of red wine a day might help ward off neurodegenerative diseases. A compound called resveratrol in grapes stimulates an enzyme in the brain involved in nerve regeneration.
Heart attack: people who drink up to 30 units of alcohol a week are less likely to die of a heart attack than abstainers. Moderate drinking - two glasses of wine for men and one for women - may improve the chances of surviving a heart attack.
Eyesight: moderate drinking of wine - but not beer or spirits - has been linked to a lower risk of age-related degeneration of the retina, which can lead to blindness.
Jogging: runners who drink moderately - two glasses of wine a day - have raised levels of good cholesterol.
Infertility: women drinking five units or fewer a week are twice as likely to conceive within six months as women drinking more than 10 units a week.
Sex: in men, too much alcohol can dilate blood vessels in the body, including those supplying the penis, with a detrimental effect on performance. Blood level of testosterone also falls as alcohol levels rise. Heavy drinking can also lead to testicular shrivelling, hormonal changes and enlarged breast tissue in men.
Acne: alcohol may be a trigger for acne rosacea, and red wine - as well as champagne, gin, beer and whisky - has been implicated.
Cancer: heavy and sustained drinking, usually involving more than 30 units a week for men, has been linked to a range of cancers including mouth, liver, throat, colon and stomach tumours. In women it has been associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer.
Pregnancy: one boozy binge by the mother during critical times in the pregnancy can damage the foetus. Several hours of drinking can delete millions of neurones from the baby's developing brain. One glass of wine a week is allowed.
Breast-feeding: alcohol is still toxic to the baby's developing brain. During the first two years mothers are advised not to drink.
Depression: although alcohol is often used as a way of coping with anxiety, it can be a depressant after three or more units.
CONCLUSION : Is a Daily of Glass of Wine Healthy?Not for everyone. Small amounts of alcohol may stave off heart disease, and lower the odds of stroke and diabetes, too. But heavy drinking ups your chances for liver and heart damage, plus breast, colon, and other cancers.And this is not all: extra glass of wine a day will shorten your life by 30 minutes and drinking is as harmful as smoking.
ADVICE : If you don’t drink, don’t start. If you do, limit yourself to one drink a day if you’re a woman, or two if you’re a man.
MY OPINION : I do think people should no longer consider a glass of wine a day to somehow be healthy.
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