High blood pressure (hypertension) has been called the “silent epidemic”.Undiagnosed—and more importantly, untreated—hypertension is dangerous.
Living with hypertension is a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke. Unfortunately, hypertension’s reputation for being “silent” reflects a relative lack of symptoms associated with this condition.
High Blood Pressure is the leading controllable contributor to heart disease, heart failure, stroke, and end-stage renal disease, and contributes significantly to the morbidity and mortality of people with diabete.
It’s possible to suffer from dangerously high blood pressure with few outward signs of your condition.undiagnosed, relatively severe hypertension may manifest various symptoms:
1. Headache
2. Blurred Vision
3. Nausea and Vomiting
4, Chest Pain
5. Shortness of Breath
6. Weakness
7. Irregular heartbeat
Most often, there are no signs of hypertension at all. Typically people find out they have high blood pressure by accident. They ill go to the doctor to get a physical, have back pain checked out, or a cough or cold diagnosed, and are surprised to find out that they have high blood pressure. Very rarely do people have signs of hypertension and visit the doctor specifically to get a high blood pressure diagnosis.
But high blood pressure symptoms can appear when the condition becomes severe for an extended period of time. When blood pressure is dangerously high it needs to be dealt with immediately.
High blood pressure symptoms aren't black and white.It's the leading contributor to death worldwide, but unfortunately it's just not that obvious.
What does seem obvious? Getting regular blood pressure screenings and avoiding high-risk behaviors like smoking and overeating to prevent any high blood pressure symptoms.
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